So my recent trip to KL was weird in a way because I had to "not shop" because I had to watch my airline luggage back to Sydney and I only had a 20kg limit. I knew that I had to fit my newly acquired, courtesy of A. Sumi again, stand and all within the limit and that itself weighed about 5kgs in total. Therefore, no shopping...I managed to squeeze in a dress and some shoes (you can NOT leave kl back to oz without some shoes baby). Okay so 2 bottles of pineapple tarts that were surprisingly heavy and random shiz like bangles that I'll probably in all reality never wear here.
Anyway, on I think my second last day in KL I got myself some batik to play with when I got back, so when I got back, I got crackin. The first batik that I played with was this simple black and white print
I got a couple of meters of white chiffon because I knew I wanted a floaty sort of underlayer to the dress. I also wanted to incorporate some frills if possible because of the white chiffon.

So that's front side and back views of what I ended up with after a couple of days. The back doesn't zip up all the way on the mannequin and in fact the white frill straps join in a V just above the closing of the zipper.
I had also played around initially with the strap design and was thinking of doing a halter with coiled snake circles at the V front. I thought about both frills and a coiled halter....both front and back....

It fits wonderfully and I'm still amazed at the darts that I stitched. I'd totally rock fact I shall!
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