Tuesday, December 2, 2008
There's always something you've got to give up, if you want everything you want
Anyway, I realised today when I had to take cat to the vet to get him desexed, that at the end of the day, there is aways something you've got to give up if you want everything you want. I want Bud to be with me in Malaysia, so I had to desex him, that meant going through what I find to be a horrific experience for him as well as me. I GET IT that he's going to be a calmer more affectionate cat but I can already see he has lost that THUGgish ruggishness about him.
UGH. Freaking feline overpopulation. Rudd will be a total arsehole if he decides to make it a law that all cats are desexed because you know what?! Now we suffer from OVERPOPLATION, but give it 20 years and people will be claiming that the feline species is close to extinction. I think that if people can believe that Jesus turned water to wine or bread or what not (basically magic; in which if the secret was found out, could lead to devastating outcomes, hence the famous magician quote "If i told you I'd have to kill you" ,which really makes you wonder what REALLY went down). Cats were MEANT to breed the way they do. Stop trying to play GOD will you?! It's proven to NOT Have worked.
EFF you desexation...now my kitty's got bebolagoreng.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I float like a butterfly but sting like a bee

So it has been a solid 5 years almost that I have been living in Sydney and this saga shall come to a temporary end in less than 4 days. My mind has been a boggle of activity and I'm not surprised that things haven't really set in yet. I guess part of the awesomeness of the situation is that I now have my residency so I can tell Malaysia to eff-off if things get to bad without the hassle of applying for a visa etc.
I must say, I am the most fickle of people. Prior to news of receiving my residency, I remember freaking out all the time at the thought of remaining in Sydney till whenever. Now, I am dreading what I wanted to much before! Sydney has been good to me. I have grown and developed as well as accomplished key objectives, that being a degree, and my residency. My luck that I found love along the way! So now I have it all....

I live in the coolest house with the coolest garage where everyone seems to float around instead of the very comfortable lounge room with it's sofas and such. Our common room, my refuge, the place where I started creating my designs.

THEN we have my brothers, who are both here in Sydney now who I will miss terribly much. I am such an emotional person and when my brother Sachin(left) left Sydney temporarily years ago I spent days locked up in my room on my bed crying. Now I am leaving, but it's okay because I will see them back in KL. Phew...

Glorious Sydney....where hired dancers can ACTUALLY dance and are ACTUALLY hot, not your average Chinese speaker dry-humper that you see at your average Malaysian club.
Sydney, where I met the hottest, hippest German gay man. Michael is such an amazing person. He carries himself in the most respectable way and it is SO attractive! He should be an ambassador for Gay rights man. He is the most demure and classy person I have met. Surprise surprise he is supremely Gay as well. Shows you huh...
Sydney is also the place where I met the BIGGEST slut-bag EVER, and believe me, i have seen some messed up chicks. This one takes the cake. Shocking because she gave me the impression she was this innocent Singhalese chick but in reality is an ass-ram-rodded-whore. Shows you la! Just because you look innocent and come from Sri Lanka does NOT mean you are in ANY way a prude.
Funny these two look like the best of friends because the guy on the left is probably the Grossest person I've had to live with. During my first 2 years in Sydney, I stayed in university off-campus accomodation and this guy moved in from France and used to like to cook his meals in the kitchen in his tight underwear. See the size of the dude? There is something extremely repulsive about walking into the kitchen to make your morning coffee only to see Adrien cooking sausages in his underwear. WTF right?! I tell you, one day, I was leaving my apartment in the morning only to find that Adrien, in his drunken state the night before, decided to drag his mattress OUTSIDE the apartment and lie it down right at the door outside the apartment. I found him sleeping on the mattress at the ENTRANCE of our apartment OUTSIDE sleeping with his eye covers in his underwear. *sigh* drama drama drama..

I loved Macquarie University's campus. It is stunning. So green and beautiful...

I've never been a fan of greenery or anything but there's something soothing about seeing so much of green at an educational institution.

Sydney!!! Where the grass is green and Bud baby chills

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Our Prime Minister

IN case you needed further reassurance that the Prime Minister of Malaysia was passed out during an Integrity Convention....
At least the man woke up at some point...
Only to fall back into a blissful slumber several minutes later.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! At a point in time when we see a man like Obama take center stage in the US, it really makes you want to stab yourself in the heart when you see dumkunts like this taking charge of our glorious nation.
Obama looks like the missing link from Men In Black. Badawi looks like a reject from a bad Malay version of Harry Potter. It's times like this that I count my lucky stars and consider myself blessed that Malaysia is a weak nation compared to the US and actually relish in the fact that almost everything revolves around the US.
We're screwed
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tokin Bone
So needless to say Bone Thugs were AWESOME at the concert. They started first...well they came after the local acts but who really pays attention to who those even were. So though Snoop had to refrain from pullin out a spliff on stage probably due to his tight visa conditions but that didn't stop the rest of the performers. Alcohol out of blue plastic cups, Layzie Krayzie and Wish put on an awesome show though with the least set up. Had to wait a solid 40 minutes for Snoop to get his arse on stage though. Prolly busy getting his smoke and drink on backstage, OR smoking with Cube, as the DJ (that reminded me of Prabhu oddly enough) kept saying as if it was supposed to make us at ease with the wait. Anyway, Ice Cube was amazing but Bone really did it for me that night. Ghetto and fabulous.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Our Messiah

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The 4 Year Old McDonalds Burger

Basically it's about a four year old McDonalds burger that this lady has for some reason decided to keep in a lunchbox and carry around with her. She's obviously studying something and I didn't do any investigating into who she is or what she does, but the clip is an excerpt from some shot on Diet.com.
I do not diet, don't know anyone that does, so needless to say, I my interest stopped at the clip.
It IS interesting though. Basically, it shows that a McDonalds cheeseburger, kept just as it was bought in a lunchbox (no shrink wrap, no preservatives added, etc) after four years, has NO mold, NO rot and looks almost like the real thing. Except that it is rock hard.
This lady has 4 year old frenchfries for God's sake! And yes, these fries too scarily look exactly like the fresh thing. I really wanted to feel it myself. Apparently the grease and oil is retained over those years!
F**K! What the HELL does this mean? I do not usually eat fries, and oddly enough, today I got the Hot Ogalo MEAL instead of just the burger. Hmmmmmmmm
Just another shitty little thing about the world that we just will never know the real truth about huh?
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Deepavali: What happens when you are left astray in a foreign country with culture that can be confined to sand and surf

Mum would always do her sambrani thing on Fridays and I love/miss the smell. I miss the dab of thinnuru on my forehead after mum or grandma's done praying. When Thaipusam rolled around, there would be the lure of Batu Caves and I even recall the charriot coming past our house in ss2. I remember because the indian boys from school followed the charriot and discovered where I lived. Yes....

Monday, October 20, 2008
Singh is King: SNOOP, yes, D-O double G

Since I really don't care much for what happens with Snoop, I thought I'd go ahead and do some investigation into his indian venture. Don't get me wrong I love Snoop but I really do not like the fact that he's gone and done it.
I shall not go further untill I get through the lyrics for this song because I believe it all starts there, as in all my questions about the reason behind it were answered ....starting HERE:
[Wad up wad up, wad up
[Singh is king, singh is king,
Yaari hai jaan ena di, vakhri hai shaan ena di,
[Singh is king, singh is king,
Singh surmaie, rakh de ne aan,
Jo singha ne kithiyan kurbaaniyan ne,
[Wad up wad up, wad upI am trying to struck mine]- 2 times
Singh is king, singh is king,
[Singh is king, singh is king,
For the love of God, what is UP with the wad up wad up stick it stick it?! This is NOT acceptable ...NOT from CALVIN BROADUS.
WHAT HAPPENED?! What happened to the good old days of hanging out sippin on gin n juice.

Okay so I have always found ways to argue things to myself for the sake of my own inner peace. And this time, I have decided that Snoop did it for the money. I mean who wouldn't? He would have really been treated like a king, been entertained by lots of gorgeous Punjabi chicks, all that and a paycheck at the end. And for what work at the end? To rock up and spit out that crap?! I mean, Warren G DID do a track with TOO PHAT. And we all know their aunt had fame and I think they came from a pretty wealthy family so they paid him to do like, a specific number of verses, and he didn't even come down to KL to record it. These idiots actually flew their crew to the states to film. OF COURSE LAAAH got chance to with mister G mah down at the long beach...u kno.....like that la.
SO SNOOP...you are indeed a wise businessman. You're diversifying yourself, trying to penetrate different markets. I get it....will never even download an illegal copy of it off the internet so you can guarantee I won't be guilty of copyright infringement :D I'm all for celebrities and their obscene wealth.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The 401 Keg

Sunday, October 12, 2008
RETARDATION to the MAX! Shah Rukh's a Datuk and Beyonce can't perform in KL?!

The Indian heartthrob will receive his Datukship from the Malacca head, Tun Mohd Khalil Yaakob later on Saturday.
He has been listed as an artiste from Dreamz Unlimited, his filmmaking company, in the list of recipients. Shah Rukh will receive the Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka (DMSM), the third highest title.
He is among 77 recipients of the title.
Khan, 43, is a highly acclaimed Indian actor who works in Bollywood films, as well as a film producer and television host.
Tell me guys....do the pictures above in ANY WAY show a person deemed "DECENT" by our wonderfully Malaysian standards?
I am SO confused...artists such as Avril Lavigne and Beyonce Knowles aren't allowed to perform because of their sultry outfits and just because of the hyper-activity that apparently goes on with these concerts.
TIME TO CLEAN THE F*****G SLATE guys not add dumkunts to our list of already huge dumkunts

"HALAL?! Screw you guys I'm gettin CruNkeD!!! :D~~~~ "

Saturday, October 11, 2008

So my little sister/only sister comes in the form of an African Grey parrot Cookie. This addition to our family came when we were living in Hong Kong in 2001 and my brother Sachin managed to convince my mother to let a pet parrot into the household.

Thursday, October 9, 2008
MAX PAYNE Oct 16th 2008

Max Payne in the cinemas. Just when you thought nothing would beat Sin City....nyeh heh heh. I must say, I haven't been this excited since Transformers came out and probably wont be untill the next Transformers comes out, with the exception of Max Payne.
There IS a higher power because Mark Wahlberg is Max Payne. He is mucho the hotness and I'm lovin it.
Don't want to bring the hype up too much JUST IN CASE the movie is a huge let down. Well, I dont know what would be a letdown in watching Wahlberg on screen for a coupla hours, especially if he sheds pieces of clothing. :)
What about that tatt??
I am an extreme procrastinator. This tattoo idea has been lingering for ages but I only decided to sit down and design myself my tattoo yesterday, since I'm supposed to get it done today. Part of the reason why I'm up so early in anticipation. My stomach is already doing the butterfly jiggy and 2.30 is hours away!
So I'm just gonna pop the pics up and I'll see tonight if it has materialized. Another step to ensure that I do in fact GET IT....today.... :)