So Congratu-fudging-lations Mr Obama, and let us hail the new president of the United States. Amazing that 8 years ago the same people voted for Bush to be president. The first African American president, our messiah.
Honestly, this is all not even shocking to me. It was almost a given that Obama would win. Mc Cain and Pailin were a joke really. I'd start hating the US immediately if they won, blaming the whole nation for the portion that won and made them president and VP. It was always Obama...I knew that the day Oprah pledged her support to him. I said "Hmm...Oprah is always right"
They have always spoken of a messiah that lives amongst us, and Obama may just be that man. He is bringing a new hope not just to the US, but to the rest of the world with his stepping in. This man will now have the weight of the world on his shoulders and it will be very interesting to see how his plans unravel throughout his course of presidency.
AND...I suggest a bullet-proof "Obama-mobile" quite like what the Pope uses on his visits to be constructed and completed before Obama and Biden swear into their positions in January 2009.
This man is going to give us as much and if not, then more than the Pope possibly could, and several death threats have already been made towards the guy. GIVE HIM SECURITY!!!
I have only sincere thanks to the people of the United States. I have to say that they have given back some credibility to themselves...to me that is. So far we have only them to blame for wars (*cough* Haliburton *cough) and our markets crumbling(*cough*dodgy financial instruments *cough*). REPENT biznitches!
And for all the rednecks out there...YOUR PRESIDENT IS A BLACK DUDE!!
I shall leave this post, with a scary thought...that having Obama as the US president and him being black, that this may actually bring up new issues with the US. However on a funny flip, it turns out that having a Black President ...makes them racialists uber happy because they want to put on their white suits and get their freak on!!
"Klu Klux Klan leader David Duke predicts that a black president could advance white civil rights. as whites would be inspired to rise up and begin what he calls a long overdue revolution. About 200,000 Americans are thought to be members of white supremacy groups." www.citizensugar.com
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