So It's finally been done...I've gone and created a blog. Well my account was made in March I saw but there was abit of a delay in the system so two months on and here I am. I have no idea how to go about with a blog since I guess it's such a continuous thing that if you stopped and thought about something you just put up, you would end up changing bits of it. That would be an annoying thing to do so I've decided to not go back and read anything that I've typed and I JUST Freaking broke the rule!
Okay so as far as blogs go, mine's going to be about mainly what I like. I've been known to rant on and on about things that catch my fancy so I'm going to use this blog as an outlet device...
So just to start things up...just abit about me (at the moment that is) and my current activities.
Okay more like my MAIN and sort of only activity of interest for now lah. :) Okay so I've gotten to what looks like the very near end of a new project assembling a dress out of batik that I got back from KL.
I got down to reading/skimming through the books that Aunty Sumi gave me. It got abit teadious so I started sketching the dress out. Prior to this I had gone to Lincraft and gotten 2meters of white chiffon because I envisioned something with a chiffon underlayer. Anyway...one thing about what I make, is that it doesn't usually end up looking like the picture I had in my mind before putting it together and trying it on. At the end, I love it, but it just wasn't what I expected! I dont know if this is a great thing because I haven't tried to recreate a dress or anything, so i don't know if this means I'm a horrible tailor. Hmm... Anyway the dress is nearly complete, so I shall posts a report on this soon.
I love my cat. He is THE handsomest tiger ever. In case you were wondering about the picture. He is the cutest thing ever, and he's so sweet. Me and Anton got him from Kevin, this friend of ours and it's so weird because I'd never have expected him to give me my kitz. I call him all sorts of things, Kitty Bonanza...but I try to stick to Bud...Anyway...he's having a ball with the shreds of material left over. Oh ... try hand stitching in front of him...he thinks you're playing a game with him and gets into predator mode with the line of thread. Hah...
I'm off....Till later!
And that shall be IT.